Creative Commons Slovenia


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Creative Commons Slovenia
Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, Slovenska 54, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 426 9530
Past events

Creative Commons (CC) Slovenia is run by the Intellectual Property Institute as the legal lead and Ljudmila as the public lead. The CC licences enable authors all over the world to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright. As opposed to "all rights reserved", these free licences allow authors to opt for the principle of "some rights reserved". Authors can choose a set of conditions including attribution, share-alike, non/commercial, and no/derivative works. The Slovenia licence 2.5 has been available since 29 October 2005.

Apart from porting the licences and facilitating users, CC Slovenia deals with broader issues regarding copyright legislation and its anomalies. CC Slovenia organises the Festival of Creativity and Free Culture and contributes to the public discussion on amending the copyright law in Slovenia.

Both the Intellectual Property Institute and Ljudmila have been active in the international context through the Creative Commons International and Communia networks and collaborate closely with VideoLectures.Net run by Jožef Stefan Institute.

See also

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... more about "Creative Commons Slovenia"
Creative Commons Slovenia +
Creative Commons Slovenia +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, Slovenska 54 +
Creative Commons (CC) Slovenia is run by the Intellectual Property Institute as the legal lead and Ljudmila as the public lead. +
Creative Commons (CC) Slovenia is run by the Intellectual Property Institute as the legal lead and Ljudmila as the public lead. +
+386 / 1 426 9530 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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